Makon Cline

moon indicating dark mode
sun indicating light mode
Makon Cline
This is my personal site where I drop notes and articles about things that I am interested in.

Follow Along Link Highlighter

Move a highlighter over links as they are hovered. Part of the Javascript30 challenge.

Mouse Move Text Shadow

Move a headings text shadow in response to mouse movements. Part of the Javascript30 challenge.

Shopping List

Shopping list app with persistent data via local storage. Part of the Javascript30 challenge.

Secret Code

Input a sectet code and see a surprise. Part of the Javascript30 challenge.

Slide in on scroll

Images slide onto the page as they are scrolled into view. Part of the Javascript30 challenge.

Custom HTML5 Video Player

Custom HTML5 video player with play/pause, scrubbing, volume, speed, skip forward/back, and fullscreen. Part of the Javascript30 challenge.


Hold shift to select multiple items. Written in javascript. Part of the Javascript30 challenge.

Draw on HTML5 Canvas

Draw colorful pipes on an html5 canvas. Part of the Javascript30 challenge.

Filter List

Filter list with an input. search for a city or a state and view the population. Part of the javascript30 challenge.

Flex Panels

Full page flex panels with random images that grow and slide in additional text when clicked. Part of the javascript30 challenge.

CSS Variable Playground

Changing CSS variables with javascript. Part of the Javascript30 challenge


A mechanical clock built in vanilla javascript. Part of the JavaScript30 challenge.

Slam Them

A soundboard for slamming them. Part of the JavaScript30 challenge

Tip Calculator

Tip calculator app made with React.


A list of my developer setup, gear, software and configs.